A Picture Worth One Hundred Souls

A Picture Worth One Hundred Souls

By F. Mark Latimer

For a few devout musicians, there was sheer luck in escaping. Others foresaw the impending danger and were able to escape Nazi Germany with the help of friends and family. Many underestimated the growing hate and anti-semitism that was coming their way, including Strauss himself, who saw the Nazi party as yet another potentially failed attempt at government, like those he witnessed before...

A Picture Worth One Hundred Souls2024-07-22T15:17:42+00:00

Researching US Intelligence Organizations in Austria at the End of the Second World War

Researching US Intelligence Organizations in Austria at the End of the Second World War

By Duncan Bare

While much is already known about what US intelligence did in Austria between 1945 and 1955, relatively little has been written to date about their structure(s) or personnel, except to add ‘flavor’ and depth to stories of their operational exploits or specific projects. In some way, the task I set myself was to write organizational ‘biographies’ of OSS, SSU, and CIG in Austria. To accomplish this as accurately and comprehensively as possible, I would also need to reconstruct their organizational ‘family trees’, with branches stretching back to Washington...

Researching US Intelligence Organizations in Austria at the End of the Second World War2024-03-11T16:37:36+00:00

A Life in the Service of Women’s and Peace Movements: Rosika Schwimmer

A Life in the Service of Women's and Peace Movements: Rosika Schwimmer

By Dóra Fedeles-Czeferner

Rosika Schwimmer is probably the most established Hungarian women’s movement activist from the first half of the 20th century. In November 1918, she even stepped onto the international political stage when the government of Count Mihály Károlyi (1875, Fót, Hungary-1955, Vence, France) made her Hungarian envoy to Switzerland.

A Life in the Service of Women’s and Peace Movements: Rosika Schwimmer2024-01-08T16:25:13+00:00

Excerpt: “Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom”

Excerpt: "Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom"

By Andrew Nagorski

Dr. Sigmund Freud, no less, with his gleaming violet eyes, his hard carved beard, his note of tense and even exasperated superiority, was advancing gravely to host and hostess. A hush came over the room as he moved forward like a boat through bulrushes; guests crammed to watch, but were bent back by the force of his slow, majestic passage. “Freud!” people whispered. The whole assembly became silent in awe...

Excerpt: “Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom”2023-08-15T15:59:25+00:00

Wide Awake and Worlds Away: Percy Lavon Julian’s Scientific Education in Vienna

Wide Awake and Worlds Away: Percy Lavon Julian's Scientific Education in Vienna

By Kristina E. Poznan

Percy Lavon Julian became the third African American to earn a Ph.D. in Chemistry when the University of Vienna awarded him his doctorate in 1931. Julian had been born in Alabama and educated at the Lincoln Normal School, DePauw University, and Harvard University. He subsequently taught at Fisk University, West Virginia State College, and Howard University, educating a host of black students in chemistry...

Wide Awake and Worlds Away: Percy Lavon Julian’s Scientific Education in Vienna2023-02-20T15:13:05+00:00

The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy | Grantee Publication & Webinar

The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy | Grantee Publication & Webinar

By Jonathan Singerton

In 1783, the Peace of Paris treaties famously concluded the American Revolution. However, the Revolution could have come to an end two years earlier had diplomats from the Habsburg realms—the largest continental European power—succeeded in their attempts to convene a Congress of Vienna in 1781.

The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy | Grantee Publication & Webinar2024-04-24T16:57:53+00:00

Mountain Rescue in Translation

Mountain Rescue in Translation

By Mark S. Weiner

Why does the honor guard of the Mountain Rescue Association (MRA), the umbrella organization for all mountain rescue in America, carry Austrian ice axes when it stands in respect at memorials for fallen search-and-rescue personnel? For the past two years, I have been making a documentary film about the Austrian mountain rescue service, the Bergrettung, supported by seed funding from BIAAS.

Mountain Rescue in Translation2022-08-25T14:19:15+00:00

In the Footsteps of Richard Neutra: An Expedition in California

In the Footsteps of Richard Neutra: An Expedition in California

By Peter Stuiber

Beginning in 2020, the Wien Museum MUSA presented the exhibition "Richard Neutra. Homes for California". This expedition highlighted the US-based work of one of the Austrian history's foremost modernist architects. To accompany it, a publication was made that also focuses on Neutra's contemporaries. The basis for this was an intensive research trip undertaken by Wien Museum curator Andreas Nierhaus and architectural photographer David Schreyer. A conversation.

In the Footsteps of Richard Neutra: An Expedition in California2022-08-23T14:50:18+00:00

Austrian Children and Youth Fleeing Nazi Austria Podcast Series with Jacqueline Vansant

Austrian Children and Youth Fleeing Nazi Austria Podcast Series

with Guest Host Jacqueline Vansant

Only a limited number of Jewish children, accompanied or alone, immigrated to the United States during WWII. As a result perhaps, research examining this subject has been largely overlooked. Austrian children and youth who fled Nazi-occupied Austria to land safely, against all the odds, in the United States has been even more neglected in terms of academic research. Here, however, in this extraordinary podcast series to support the related Journal of Austrian-American History Special Issue, guest host Jacqueline Vansant, professor emerita of German at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, discusses three different research perspectives examining Austrian-Jewish Child Migration during WWII with expert and engaging guests.

Austrian Children and Youth Fleeing Nazi Austria Podcast Series with Jacqueline Vansant2022-08-25T15:36:56+00:00

New Podcast Series! Austrian Children and Youth Fleeing Nazi Austria with Guest Host Jacqueline Vansant

This podcast series supports a related Journal of Austrian-American History Special Issue! Guest host Jacqueline Vansant, professor emerita of German at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, discusses three different research perspectives examining Austrian-Jewish Child Migration during WWII. These podcasts highlight the important work of guests Tim Corbett, Kirsten Krick-Aigner, and Swen Steinberg in examining material excavated from diverse archives via multiple lenses and demonstrate the extraordinary capacity of this archival research to illuminate the Austrian-Jewish child and adolescent experience.

New Podcast Series! Austrian Children and Youth Fleeing Nazi Austria with Guest Host Jacqueline Vansant2024-04-24T17:00:27+00:00
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