Database of Funded Projects

The Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies has generously funded academic research and public history projects that promote an understanding of the historic relationship between the United States and Austria. The following search tools make it possible to explore these projects and to learn more about the scholars and organizations who have received BIAAS grants and fellowships.


Veronika Zwerger [BIAAS-142318]

Topics: History, Migration, Research
Products: Conference, Event, Exhibit

The United States was one of the most important receiving countries for Austrians who had to flee National Socialists. A vast amount of archival material in the Austrian Archive of Exile Studies proves these tight historic connections between the two countries. The exhibition will educate a new generation of Austrians about the deep-rooted connections between its citizens and the countries which housed its refugees, such as the United States.


Michael E. Ruhling [BIAAS-142317]

Topics: Art, History, Music
Products: Conference, Event

International interdisciplinary conference “Reassessing Haydn’s Sacred Music” in Eisenstadt, Austria 12-14 June 2023, sponsored by the Haydn Society of North America and Internationale Joseph Haydn Privatstiftung Eisenstadt. Presenters will be leading scholars from the U.S. and Austria, and the sessions will be open to the public.


Hannes Richter [BIAAS-142316]

Topics: Art, History, Photography
Products: Event, Exhibit

The main purpose of the proposed project is to present the life and work of Yoichi Okamoto to both an academic audience and the public via academic panels and corresponding publications, a physical exhibition, and a website. Okamoto was the personal photographer of General Mark Clark 1945–1948, head of the Pictorial Section United States Information Services in Austria 1948–1954, artist and Presidential Photographer of Lyndon B. Johnson at the White House 1963–1969. In a unique fashion, Okamoto’s work spans from post-War Austria to the highest echelons of Presidential politics in the United States via the medium and art of photography.


Susanne Keppler-Schlesinger [BIAAS-142315]

Topics: Art, Culture, Film, History
Products: Event, Video

Together with her daughter Leonille Wittgenstein and son Constantin Wittgenstein, celebrated Swiss-Hungarian actress Sunnyi Melles, who has i.a. performed the role of Jedermann’s lover (Buhlschaft) at the Salzburg Festival 1990-1993, will trace the eventful journey of Max Reinhardt’s life in a multimedial way, by reading from writings and contemporary documents, with music and sound design by Constantin Wittgenstein. The reading will last about 50 minutes. The performance will be followed by an artist talk with Dr. Helga Rabl-Stadler, Austrian politician, businesswoman and president of the Salzburg Festival 1995-2022. The event will take place on November 29th, 2023, at the Austrian Cultural Forum New York.