University of New Orleans [BIAAS-000802]

(continued in fiscal year 2009) – BIAAS funded two grants to the University of New Orleans. The first grant created an $18,000 one-year fellowships for Austrian students to study at the College of Engineering. Three students received the fellowships, with one receiving an extra $10,000 to fund a Master’s degree from the University of New Orleans. The second grant, totaling $25,000, funded the research and writing project with an additional $25,000 being distributed in 2009. The project sought to expand upon studies in Austrian migration to the United States and culminated in a conference, entitled “Quiet Invaders Revisited,” on its findings in June of 2015 in Vienna. The research also produced a number of publications by head scholar, Günter Bischof , and allowed three associates to complete research for their theses and articles.

University of New Orleans Center Austria began in 1997 after a partnership with the University of Innsbruck and currently serves to direct student and faculty exchange between the United States and Austria. The Center looks to facilitate research and discourse of Austrian Studies as well as promote scholarly and artistic activities.