University of Minnesota [BIAAS-000803]

(continued in fiscal year 2009) BIAAS awarded two grants to the University of Minnesota. One for $32,050 to be used for a graduate student interested in Austrian studies and the other for four one-semester research fellowships totaling $156,050. The research fellowships worked as a support team for a project on “Understanding the Migration Experience: The Austrian-American Connection, 1870 –1914” headed by Wladimir Fischer of the University of Vienna, James Oberly of the University of Wisconsin, and Annemarie Steidl of the University of Vienna. An additional grant of $90,976 was issued in 2009 for future research, with the project resulting in numerous presentations and papers.

University of Minnesota Center for Austrian Studies was established in 1977 and is one of the leading research centers investigating Central Europe with a focus on Austria. The Center’s mission is to promote scholarship and connect scholars through exchanges, publications and symposia.