Sophie Hochhausl [BIAAS-031212]

Sophie Hochhausl was awarded a fellowship of $15,680 to support her research on Adolf Loos’ use of American farmhouse typologies in the design of Austrian settlements. The fellowship involved three months of research in Vienna at the Zentralverband der Kleingärtner und Siedler Österreichs (Central Association of Allotment Holders and Settlers Austria) and Österreichischer Naturheilverein (Austrian Naturopathic Association) as well as the Museum Albertina and the University of Applied Arts. The fellowship allowed Hochhausl to write two scholarly essays entitled “From Vienna to Frankfurt Inside Core-House Type 7” and “A tiny whole world: sustainable design lessons from the architecture of underprivileged classes” published in an academic journal and an edited volume respectively. Furthermore, Hochhausl also gave numerous lectures and conference presentations, in addition to producing an exhibit of photographs on Loos’ work, which was displayed at New York University’s German House in 2015.

Sophie Hochhausl is a Ph.D. candidate in History Architecture and Urban Development at Cornell University and has served an editor of the graduate student publication journal CC.