Margareth Szeless & Marion Krammer [BIAAS-031211]

BIAAS awared $13,100 to Margareth Szeless and Marion Krammer in order to research influence of  American photojournalist, Yoichi Okamoto, on Austrian press photography after World War II. The scope of the project include research in Austria at the Picture Archives Vienna and the Austrian National library as well as a time in Washington D.C. to examine Okamoto’s photographs and documents at the National Archives, with over 4,000 materials copied. The grant also allowed Szeless and Krammer to conduct interviews with Okamoto’s relatives and travel to New York to meet John Jacob, director of the Inge Morath Foundation. The project resulted in a presentation at the University of New Orleans as well as an article entitled “Yoichi Okamoto and the ‘Pictorial Section’: Austrian-American Relations in Press Photography 1945 – 1955” published in Contemporary Austrian Studies and a chapter in the anthology Die helle und die dunkle Seite der Moderne.

Margareth Szeless earned her Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Vienna in 2004 and has worked as a researcher for the Inge Morath Foundation.

Marion Krammer is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Vienna and worked as a curator and researcher at the Vienna Museum.