Anna Piotrowska [BIAAS-011007]

BIAAS awarded a grant for $12,000 to Anna Piotrowska to study the impact of both Austrian born or trained composers on shaping the musical practices of Hollywood. The grant funded the travel expenses to Vienna to visit the Wiener Rathaus Bibliothek and the Academy of Music amongst others as well as the purchasing of the film scores on CD and DVD for analysis. Furthermore, half of the grant was allocated to editing and printing a book based on the research with the book’s manuscript, From Vienna to Hollywood: Austrian Born and/or Trained Composers in Early Hollywood, being completed in September of 2011. Piotrowska also presented her research at a conference at Salzburg University on Austria and America: Cross-Cultural Encounters.

Anna Piotrowska studied at Jagiellonian University and received her Ph.D. in musicology in 2002. She has served as an assistant professor in the Institute of Musicology at the Jagiellonian University and has published numerous books on Roma music culture.