Florian Traussnig [BIAAS-000902]

BIAAS awarded a grant of $21,600 to the University of Graz to fund a research project called “Austrians in US-Wartime Organizations of WWII.” The project, undertaken by one of Siegfried Beer’s graduate students, Florian Traussnig, was expanded from one year to three. The funds of the grant went towards travel for research in the United States and in Austria as well as living costs and expenses for books and archival material. The project culminated in the publication of a monograph by Traussnig in 2016 entitled Militärischer Widerstand von außen (Military Resistance from the Outside) as well as the creation of a biographical databases on the 630 Austrians who were active in the United States military during World War Two.

Florian Traussnig received his Ph.D. from the University of Graz in 2013. He has worked as an historian at the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda, and Security Studies.

The University of Graz is the second oldest and second largest university in Austria, with the Department of History dating to the 18th century.