Kristina Elizabeth Poznan [BIAAS-061513]

Kristina Elizabeth Poznan was awarded $30,000 to support her dissertation research that examined the relationship between transatlantic migration, migrant identities, and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungary Empire from the 1880s through the 1920s. The fellowship enabled Poznan to conduct research in Vienna at the Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv and Austrian National Library and at the National Archives in Washington D.C. Furthermore, Poznan also traveled to Budapest for research as well as attend to conferences in Philadelphia and Atlanta. The fellowship resulted in three scholarly articles, including one published in the Hungarian Historical Review as well as work on a book manuscript based on Poznan’s completed dissertation.

Kristina Elizabeth Poznan received a Ph.D. in History at the College of William and Mary and has served as the editor of Journal of Austrian-American History.