Katja Stuckatz [BIAAS-011010]

BIAAS awarded a $20,000 grant to Katja Stuckatz to finish a dissertation project on interrelations between Anglo-American modernism and Austrian post-war poetry by focusing on the poet Ernst Jandl. The granted funded research in Vienna for six months and at Pennsylvania State University for elven months. The project contributed to her dissertation, A Contribution to Modern World Poetry: Ernst Jandl and the International Avant-Garde, which was completed in 2014. The grant also resulted in two published articles “Atemschrift: Ernst Jandl’s Experimental Poetics of Affirmation” and “Von der anderen Seite der Sprache” in the Journal of Austrian Studies and in Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa der Welt. Furthermore, Stuckatz was also able to write a book chapter in Wir Jandln! Didaktische und wissenschaftliche Wege zu Ernst Jandl published in 2013.

Katja Stuckatz received her Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University for German Literature in 2014 and has worked as a research associate at the German Department of the Georg-August-University.