Columbia University

BIAAS awarded a grant of $100,000 to Columbia University to fund Siegfried Beer, a visiting history professor from Austria, for the fiscal year of 2007. The grant stipulated the teaching of at least one class per semester, as well as giving a series of seminars and lectures both at Columbia and other universities. Finally, the grant called for Professor Beer to aid The Dietrich W. Botstiber Foundation in establishing its Austrian-American studies program and has served as a consultant from 2008 to the present.

Siegfried Beer earned his Ph.D. from the University of Vienna in 1983 and was a professor at the University of Graz until 2013. He has served as the director of the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda, and Security Studies and as the editor of Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda, and Security Studies.

Columbia University European Institute was founded in 1948 and is the oldest academic institution in the United States dedicated to the study of Europe. The Institute focuses on teaching and research for students and faculty and looks to deeper transatlantic connections