Bernhard Weidinger [BIAAS-041307]

BIAAS granted $7,760.64 to Bernhard Weidinger in order to research on the discourses and interactions between right-wing political players from Austria and the USA. The project funded travel and three months of research at archives at the University of California at Berkeley as well as interviews with advocacy groups. Additionally, the grant also covered the cost of photocopying during Weidinger’s research in Vienna at the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance. The project resulted in an article entitled “A Transatlantic Community of Purpose” published in the journal Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics. Furthermore, Weidinger also gave a number of presentations on the topic and biweekly seminars at the University of Vienna.

Bernhard Weidinger earned his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Vienna in 2013, where he has since worked as a lecturer.