Anton Holzer [BIAAS-041304]

BIAAS awarded a grant for $9,500 to Anton Holzer for the research and writing on Jewish Austrian-American photographer and artist Robert Haas. The project involved research in New York at Robert Haas’ estate as well as at the Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Museum. Furthermore, Holzer conducted research in Vienna at the Wien Museum and Academy of Fine Arts. The research involved examination of photographs and biographic information. The project resulted in an article entitled “Künstler und Reporter. Die Wiener Jahre des Fotografen Robert Haas,” which was published in the German journal of Fotogeschichte. Holzer also used created an exhibit on Haas at the Wien Museum in Vienna, which is set to run from November 2016 through February 2017.

Anton Holzer received his Ph.D. from the University of Vienna and served as the editor of the journal Fotogeschichte. Holzer also taught at the University of Vienna among other institutions as well as has had photo exhibits at the Vienna Museum and the Alpenverein Museum.