Thomas Antonic [BIAAS-051401]

BIAAS issued a grant to Thomas Antonic for $10,000 in order to study the connections between American Beat literature and Austrian literature. The grant funded research in the United States at archives at Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley. Furthermore, Antonic also conducted interviews with poets Michael McClure and ruth weiss, the latter of which resulted in over six hours of recording and examination of her personal archives. The project contributed to a monograph which will be published in 2017 as well as led to a biography in process on ruth weiss, with parts of the interviews posted by the European Beat Studies Network.

Thomas Antonic studied at the University of Vienna where he received his Ph.D. in German studies. Antonic has been the Max Kade Fellow at the Department of German Studies at the University of California, Berkeley as well as a project assistant at the University of Vienna.