Elizabeth Röhrlich [BIAAS-021107]

BIAAS awarded $5,315 to the University of Vienna for an archival research project in New York on the early history of the International Atomic Energy Agency (1947-1957). The grant covered Dr. Elisabeth Röhrlich’s air fare to and from Vienna as well as living expenses in New York City for 16 days to conduct research at the United Nations Archives. The project led to numerous presentations and lectures by Röhrlich, such as at the United Atoms in a Divided World: the Early History of the IAEA conference.

Elisabeth Röhrlich received her Ph.D. in History from the University of Tübingen and has served as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Vienna. She was a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars as well as the Elise Richter Senior Fellow and Director at the University of Vienna.

The University of Vienna is the oldest and largest university in Austria with the university’s Department of Contemporary History founded in 1966.